Don't miss these useful resources:
Paul Bourke
In the fulldome comminuty, everyone knows Paul. He has paved the way for mirridome projection, among a varriety of other innovations.
Loch Ness Productions
For Windows users, Loch Ness Productions sells a TGA warper which works great for converting fulldome frames to mirrodome frames. If you are an Apple user, Paul Bourke (above) provides this software for free. Loch Ness Productions also sells fulldome videos and anything you could want for a planetarium.
Ott Planetarium
If you want to learn Blender for planetarium production first hand, then look no further than Weber State's Ott Planetarium. The director, Ron Proctor, BIS, holds excellent production workshops throughout the year. Furthermore, the Ott Planetarium sells and produces their own in house videos. Their prices and quality are superb, with dome formats ranging from 1k to 4k.
Lhoumeau Sky-System
An alternative to mirrodome projection mainting a single unit is the Lhoumeau Sky-System which combines a standard HD projector with fisheye camera lenses. There are some advantages to this setup, especially concering a more even pixel distribution over the dome.
Geodesic Dome
Want to build a geodesic dome? Kriger Science has put together an excellent tutorial on geodesic construction, as well as useful tips on single-projector mirrodome systems.